Saturday 24 July 2010


hmm, i jus got this pictures when me n my friends from church when to suffes campsite for youth team building camp..our chairman is jason siow..OMG!!! hehehe... and we all had been seperated by four groups, which is group 1, 2, 3,and leader for group 1st is jenean follow by her team-mates are jason, abby, and wendell, and the 2scd group i was the leader and my team-mates are carmen, ryan, and calvin which is a new member from SIB church....the 3rd group leader was justin and follow by his team-mates are carrine, nick tan and edmund which is jason siow school mates...and the last group is sabrina's group follow by her team-mates which is christopher a new member from SIB church to..than nick chew and alvin..kok leong was pastor's eric assitant, during the camp he was not allowed to help any of the team but at last he did help>>..:-)) lol, so good lo... hmmmm.....pastor eric called ryan a million boy cos of his eye leshes..hehehehe and nick tan the dancing pole..we stayed there for 3 days and 2 nights...we went hicking during the first night..and some of us got suck by leeches,,,...ewww!!.
Nick Chew says that we are lucky..:-0 than the next morning we did the king's finger and the obstical course..OMG!! Cant imagine that kok leong lifted me up.
.and calvin from SIB church lifted carmen up so that we could take out the tyre from the that possible?? hehehe, than one of the affternoon we cook our own lunch..pastor eric and kok leong help us to light up i mean stat the fire for the was not easy but we did manage to cook our food...


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